Caffeine Mono | David Gjertsen
David Gjertsen


The Project

Caffeine Mono began as a project for my typography course at Winthrop University. While I was only supposed to design glyphs for the 26 letters of the alphabet and a few punctuation symbols, my interest in the project didn't stop after it was handed in.

The Client

Personal Project

The Role


The Discipline

Font Design

Free to Use

Caffeine Mono is available for free on my GitHub page and is released under an open-source license.

Caffeine Mono applied to Visual Studio Code

Form and Function

Caffeine Mono followed three important design pillars that shaped the final product.

1. A programming font should be readable. 2. All glyphs should be distinguishable. 3. Features should enhance programming.


This project was sparked by my frustration with monospace programming fonts. I wanted something more fun. Inspired by Fira Code and JetBrains Mono, I set out to create a font that both looked good and felt good to use.

Design experiments from the development process.
More Work



Software as a Service

Infinity x


Logo Design